Saturday, October 23, 2004

*sigh* 9pm...another day at work is over. Tomorrow I get paid, however, and my check is not going to be that great. I have only had 50 hrs this pay period sadly. Although, I will deal with it. It's not going to be horrible....just not great.

I don't know why I'm bothering to say anything...I don't have much to say....there's a lot on my mind, but I don't know where to begin, and I really don't have the time to begin. In any event, if it ever comes to me in a coherent manner........

Really, what's on my mind is school....I hate my classes. They just really aren't interesting. It's very dissapointing. Another thing on my mind is people. Nobody in particular, but people as a whole. I was reading an article earlier about earlier, and it was just a lot of talk about the floating journals, and the project, and the results. The article is called "Books bound to inspire." I wish I could do something...a painting, or a book, that would have that affect upon people. That must be nice. Getting to know you had an impact upon somebody. That you inspired somebody, more importantly. For somebody who wants to be an artist, such as myself, I can think of no greater compliment from a stranger than being told I inspired them. Being inspired to create something beautiful is a good feeling. Nothing seems to difficult or tedious. For me, being artisticly inspired is kind of like being in love. Nothing seems to hard, and everything seems well and good as long as you're with the person you love. Well, in regards to my painting, everything seems well and good as long as I am painting. Nothing seems to impossible, or hard, or annoying. It's just...content. I get an exhuberant sensation all through out my body. I'm happy...and at ease. Being the person inspiring people to great something beautiful must be a great feeling as well. But it is a feeling that I have yet to experiance. I often wonder if it's the same as being the one inspired, or being in love....or if it's completely different...

I wonder if I ever inspired Edward....

Current Mood: happy