Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Telemetry monitor

So my surgery didn't go as planned. They got in there and discovered my heart is perfectly healthy, and even though I have a heart problem, they can't find any sign of it ever existing.

I went to my cardiologist last week and he sent away for this telemetry monitor for me. He said it was this small thing that I wear, and it records my heart at all times, and in all locations. He said there was a receiver for my purse and a base station at my house where I could charge it. He said it would be shipped to my house with instructions on how to hook it up.

Well it's not at all what the doc said really. It didn't get fed-exed to me. It doesn't have instructions on how to hook it up. The one I'm on is owned by Jones Memorial Hospital here in Wellsville as opposed to the hospital that my cardiologist works for in Rochester, and I had to agree to pay $1,600 if I lose it. But I mean, really...how can I lose this? It's attached to me.


There is no base station. There is no receiver to carry in my purse. I'm not directly connected to Strong. When I have an episode I have to push the "record" button and I can only store 3 episodes. After each episode I have to call Rochester from a land line phone, and put the phone on top of the monitor, and click send. It'll transmit it through the phone, and clear the memory.

It stays on for 30 days regardless of what happens to my heart while I'm wearing it, and I have to change the electrodes every day.

Fun fun! Can't wait!!! Oh well. I get to take it off when I shower, and I can leave it off for an hour if I'm doing something that's not intensive. The weird thing is that once I push record, I have to hold perfectly still...which probably isn't going to work, because while I walk upstairs, my heart gets funky. And when I stop walking upstairs, my heart goes back to fine within like 3 seconds. So I'm not really sure how I'm going to capture these things. And the instructions say to record *EVERY* event. But I can only store 3 events before I have to clear the memory. I'm not sure whether or not to record every single event or just fuck the minor ones and record the moderate-severe ones.

I'm pretty much stuck in a sports bra for the next month because the way it has to sit, my other bras won't hold it and my boobs at the same time.


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