cutest little gift

Mike gave me the cutest thing ever. I get into his car on Tuesday on the way to his granpa's funeral and he hands me this piggi. And I thought it was adorable because it's a piggi with a fez. I absolutely love piggis, but a fez'd piggi is just adorable.
Turns out, it's a piggi lighter!!!! He hands it to me and says "I know you don't smoke, but you have incense you can light with this. I remember you saying you like pigs."

It's adorable and it made me really happy. wow....I'm easy to please.
My cardiologist apointment went well. I am going to go through a bunch more tests and then they're going to put wires into my heart and then do surgery if it's needed at the point they have the wires in my heart. The surgery consists of taking this wire thingy and snaking it into my heart and freezing off the part of my heart that's causing the problem.
I love my cardiologist. He's so cool. He has a lot of funny little quirks. He's from eastern Europe. He forgets little words here and there like "it" and "is" so his sentences come out like "sounds like very serious problem then no? very strange to see very serious atrial fib in a woman your age. very strange."
Anyway, he made me feel very comfortable about the operation. Which is good. I'm not worried about the proceedure or anything. The only thing that really concerns me is that it won't do any good and the whole ordeal will just be a waste of time. But on that note, at least then I'll know that it's not really an option.
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