Fred's Flowers

Fred got me good on V-day. lol Well, not V-day. I was sick and in bed all day on Valentine's Day. But yesterday I went to see him, and he walked me home last night. I walked into my room, and I don't have a light switch in my room. I just have a lamp, and I was fumbling around in the dark. I looked at my chair and thought "I didn't put that stuff there" and then to my bed and thought "I didn't make my bed....I'm not that sick..." and I turned on my light. He made my bed, and sitting on my bed are two bouquets of flowers, and in between them, is my teddy bear resting on a box of chocolate.
I went to my grandmother and said "What the hell happened to my room?!" I was sooooo un suspecting. I didn't know for sure if Fred was the one who did that or not because it's like my mom to do something like that to fuck with me. There was no note or anything. No card.
I called him up and I said "You're a sneaky fucking bastard you know that?" and I heard Danielle in the background say "He's sneaky? You came into the house while we were sleeping and engineered a scavenger hunt!"
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