Thursday, February 02, 2006

Enlightenment Quiz

1. Yin and ......... A) Yout B) Tonic C) Yenta D) Yang

2. A Zen koan is ........> A) A Jewish Buddhist B) All of the
above C) None of the above D) None of the above

3. Just before total God-realization I would see.......> A) A
blue pearl B) Nothing C) Everything D) How would I know?

4. Lao-Tsu is....... A) Shrimp with fried rice B) The Atman
Brothers C) A Japanese word for sneeze D) Someone you should
know about

5) Jivatman and Atman merge to become....... A) Jivatmanatman
B) The Atman Brothers C) Jivatman & Atman Inc. D) Mr. & Mrs.

6) The word or words which best describes the relationship of
God, Guru, and Self is:- A) Oneness B) Twoness C) Penpalness
D) Just good friends

7) Which of the following is not a name of the Lord?> A) Jehova
B) Elohim C) Yahweh D) Charlton Heston

8) If you swap a Swami with a Yogi you get....... A) A Swogi B)
A Salami C) Yogurt D) Heartburn

9) Carlos Castaneda is: A) A flamenco dancer B) A resort near
San Juan C) A mystery D) The guitarist for Santana

10) Om Mani Padme Om means:- A) O Manny, pardon my home B)
Money talks, nobody walks in C) If u cn rd ths msg u cn gt a gd
jb D) Sanskrit for, Never having to say you're sorry

11) The sound of one hand clapping is: A) Very quiet B) Similar
to smiling with one lip C) A Zen record shop D) Like the "p" in

12) Linguine is to fettucine as kundalini is to: A) Eenie
meenie B) Halloweenie C) Harry Houdini D) Pepto Bismol (this is
a silly answer)

13) The Tao Te Ching is: A) The new premier of China B) A new
record by Cheech and Chong C) I Ching's older brother D) A fine
Chinese restaurant in New York

14) You arrive at a party and your host says, "Far out, I want
to take the responsibility for creating space in your universe
so you can experience your experience." He means: A) "Have a
good time" B) "Don't eat the Swedish meatballs" C) "I just
completed EST training" D) Nothing anyone would understand

15) If three devotees can meditate for a total of nine hours,
how many devotees would it take to mow the lawn?

16) If three devotees can mow the lawn in one hour, how many
stoned devotees would it take to meditate until nobody cared?

17) If shakti was rising toward the fourth chakra at a rate of
3.5 pranayamas per second, and at the same time an energy force
was traveling in the opposite direction at a rate of
4.8 pranayamas per second, what time would it be in Chicago if
we woke up in Los Angeles?


_______Ramakrishna is a cereal made with rice and maple

_______Satori is better than nirvana and samadhi except on
weekends and holidays.

_______Sufi dancing is like square dancing only rounder.

_______The Tibetan Book of the Dead is a novel by Harold

Score 0-5 points: You are hopelessly attached to the wheel of
life and death. Try again next incarnation!

6-10 points: You are largely unconscious and stuck in worldly

10-15 points: You are so-so on the enlightenment scale. Keep
reading the New Sun.

15-20 points: You are a very conscious being; with a little
good karma you could go a long way.

20-25 points: You are very close to True Awareness

[Where do you find the answer key? AH - that is the REAL


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