Sunday, January 29, 2006

weekend events

I woke up at 6:30 thinking "Oh my God, I'm fucking hungry." So I got up and ate. Feeling pretty okay. I'm sore. Holy shit, am I sore. I fucked up my wrist Friday night. I was doing a jump w/ Ryan, and Dennis caught my skate, and I went down. Landed on my knees, and put my hands down to keep from bashing my head. My left wrist has been all swollen and black and blue. I've been using Traumeel on it. An hour after it happened, I had this kind of icky bruise, and that was Friday night. Now, thanks to the traumeel, the bruise is nearly gone. Less than 48 hours later. This shit works fast.

Dad gave me a new video card, one that works! AHHHH!!!! NVidia GeForce w/ 32m of on board ram. He also gave me some padded gloves w/ wrist support. They're those half gloves that don't cover all your fingers. They have padding on the palm where I damaged my wrist, and they have straps that go around my wrists to keep them secure. I noticed while I was wearing them that my joints didn't ache as much as usual because I was keeping them warm. The joints in my fingers usually ache. My back usually aches too. Holy shit. My back is always sore anymore.

But anywho, back to skating, Fred went with me Friday night which was kind of nice. He wouldn't skate since his knees are aching in that way they do. He just sat there and watched me. Said it was a lot of fun to watch me teach all these little kids how to skate.

It's a strange dynamic. We're an odd couple, as he pointed out the other night. We'll walk 15 minutes just so we can watch cartoons together lol. I am not complaining though. This is all good. It's so strange to feel zero pressure...I don't have to tell him every time I talk to a guy or anything like that. It's strange to be in a trusting, happy, committed relationship, and still have room to grow.

I'm diggin' it though. Holy shit.


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