Tuesday, January 03, 2006

negative energy is infectious

"Have you ever noticed that complainers usually have a tough life? It seems that everything that could go wrong does go wrong for them. They say, 'Of course I complain - look how crappy my life is.' and now that you know better you can explain to them, 'No, it's BECAUSE you complain that your life is crappy. Shut up...and don't stand near me.'. . . Here's some homework that I promise will change your life. For the next seven days, I challenge you to not complain at all. Not just out loud, but in your head as well. But you have to do it for the full seven days. Why? Because for the first few days you may still have some 'residual crap' coming to you from before. Unfortunately, crap doesn't travel at the speed of light you know, it travels at the speed of crap, so it might take a while to clear out." ~ T. Harv Eker


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