Wednesday, December 28, 2005

my brother is a douche bag

squishedlizard: are you less angry at me now?
FFHotshot716: are you?
squishedlizard: frank and I talked, yeah.
squishedlizard: I don't like that you assumed that i'm just trying to make you whore around and that I am a whore.
FFHotshot716: well from what he tells me you have only slept in your own bed a few times this week
squishedlizard: I always come home.
squishedlizard: I always sleep in my bed.
FFHotshot716: in the morning
squishedlizard: yeah, because I'm up all night with Dani and a bunch of other people shooting the shit.
FFHotshot716: i hope so
squishedlizard: I'm not whoring around Joe.
FFHotshot716: i hope not for you living
squishedlizard: I go to Danielle's. Frank always knows where I am and what I'm doing. It's not like I disappear. It's not like I'm going out and fucking people, and it's not like I'm doing drugs or any shit like that.
squishedlizard: Why is this a big deal?
FFHotshot716: because you are out in the middle of the fucking night, all night long
squishedlizard: so?
squishedlizard: I'm 19 fucking years old.
squishedlizard: I go to a place where people know me, and would beat the piss out of anybody who even threatened to harm me.
squishedlizard: I don't have to justify my actions to my 14 year old brother.


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