evil blah!
Great Scott! You're Evil Blah, and I'll bet you're
feeling very evil today. Mwa ha ha ha. Um...
yeah. So you're not a nice person, you've got
minion type people who do dirty work for you,
and you like endangering various generic
damsels or some other such evil thing. You
might be a bully. You might be a jerk. You
might just be a control freak. Whatever the
case, nothing ever really works for you,
because, well... you're on the side of bad!
Turn to the side of good!
What Demented Cartoon Movie Character Are You?

You are a Sea Serpent. Water,WATer,WATER everything
is based on anything involving liquids. You
love animals and freinds but kick a$$ in
fights. You are also ignorant.
What type of mythical creature are you
brought to you by Quizilla
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