The Traveler

Washing the tears with the pouring rain your heart broken passion spent falling numb by cold words wrapped up in tasteless bread and drowning in flavourless wine.
Each day has come bringing the traveler news from the far east...and yet he waits. Feeling his heart remain steadfast, and feeling those long white fingers tracing the scar on his back as if a dream. The rain is so loud now that he can barely hear himself think as it's falling serenely on the brim of his hat.
"The rain washes away the pain" he mused thinking back to the electric night he first spent with his flower braving lush pain and eternal corruption. Nothing is the same now, but the rain falls just as it did before, but he feels closer to the lover because of it. And he waits...getting lost in the dreams and flashbacks of a night spent in the black forest among the rain and trees in utter solitude except for his beloved.
He found himself remembering lost words from long ago and the curve of her back seemed so real. He grew saddened at the reminder of empty promises they made while caressed under the sorrow and wrapped in the cloak of warmth as he laid in solemn stillness next to his beloved's heart.
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