Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Morality kinda sucks if you think about it....

We do things, and we don't do things because we are taught from a very early age what is "right" and what is "wrong." Should we be taught that it is right to kill people who offend us and to kill people who kill other people, that is what we will believe to be morally just, regardless of what society as a whole deams to be correct.

We are taught by religion and by society that we need to turn the other cheek when something happens. That we "shouldn't" enforce capitol punishment. But interestingly enough, (and George Carlin was right) without capitol punishment, we wouldn't have Easter. No divine intervention happened telling us what is right and what is wrong.

We are taught these things by people who are scared to have these things happen to them. It is human nature to be afraid of the unexpected. By creating and enforcing morals on society and minimizing the likelyhood of the unexpected, we are keeping people in check and consequentially, we are keeping ourselves safe.

As opposed to being nice for the sake of being nice without worrying what'll happen to us if we aren't...


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