Monday, October 24, 2005


There was a story released (which for some reason isn't online yet) about the hurricane disaster plan and why it was abandoned. This story appears in the November 2005 issue of Wired Magazine.

Going as far back as the 1960's, experts knew there would be a levee collapse in New Orleans. In 2001, the Federal Emergency Management Agnecy predicted what would happen to New Orleans. Last year National Geographic had gone so far as to release a study of their own which presented a spooky-accurate description of what would actually come to pass in New Orleans. "By the time Katrina roared ashore, every detail of the catostrophe had been foretold."

And yet the government did nothing.

This yaer Congress and the Bush Adminstration cut the funding to improve the levees in New Orleans. The Army Corps of Engineers requested $27.1 million. The Bush Administration, in conjunction with Congress, cut the funding to $5.7 million. Consequentially, the city was destroyed and thousands died because they couldn't improve the levees. The message being sent out by the government? When a natural disaster hits, you're on your own fucker.

Apparently, they can't run the risk of aiding the citizens of the country. They allocated $10.8 billion to Homeland Security, which is basically paying for the members to sit around with their thumbs up their ass, but they can't allow $27.1 million to repair levees which could have saved the city.


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