Friday, April 08, 2005

Bad spanish and one lost packet...

And I thought MY Spanish was bad?!

R: el bummer muy grande, dude.

J: onelostpacket is the new one, by the way.
squishedlizard: lol
squishedlizard: cute.
J: Hah.. everyone else wonders what that's all about.
J: Packet of what, leaflets?
squishedlizard: You're kidding, right?
squishedlizard: huh..
squishedlizard: I don't think you are kidding...
J: No, people are just plain dumb these days.
J: "Packet.. you know.. TCP/IP packets.. data... anything?!"
J: "Nope."
squishedlizard: lmao
J: So.. yeah.. you're pretty much one of the few that could get it. :-)
squishedlizard: :-D


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