Tuesday, September 28, 2004

" Poetry is caviar—an acquired taste, and not for most people" ~ Joseph Epstein

It's easier to express with poetry....convey... feel...

I feel empty in this moment... it's strange....

Oh, so I did something out of character tonight. I turned on my television, and I flipped to MTV, out of boredom really, and "Newlywed's: Nick & Jessica" was on. Out of morbid curiosity, I left it on that horrible, evil, annoying and utterly obnoxious show. I don't know why I left it on MTV... probably out of some dark, masochistic, or sadistic tendancies lingering deep within my soul. If any of you have ever seen that show, you know what I'm talking about. It's...horrible. She is a dumb twit, saying things like, "Buffalo wings come from chickens? I thought buffalo wings came from buffalos... you mean buffalos don't have wings?" and he, Nick, is this icky, sleezy, obnoxious asshole who gets into a pissy mood every 5 minutes, and throws a little hissy fit telling everybody to shut up. Although, you can tell he kinda regrets marrying her. Typical conversation,

"He's a ballerino."
"But he's a guy ballerina, so that makes him a ballerino... guys are O's. Girls are A's. He's a ballerino. And he does ballet...like a ballerino does..." with this really confused look on her face.

Everytime something like that happens, he has this look on his face that basically says, "what was I thinking?"

I can't really say I'm surprised. There is hardly ever anything good on television these days. No "quality programming" or whatever it is they're calling it.

Okay enough bitching.

Time to turn off the tele.


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