Thursday, October 09, 2003

Wow. People are stupid. There is an article in the paper today about Pumpkins. That's fine, right? However, the article starts off with this:

"Cinderella's coach came from a pumpkin patch, and so did the head that was thrown at Ichabold Crane in Disney's 'The Ledgend Of Sleepy Hollow.'"I felt like writing to the newspaper bitching about that in the book by Washington Irving, that was published in 1820 (long before the time of Disney) the pumpking gets thrown at Ichabold's fuckin' head. It pisses me off how many people believe Disney to be this great and creative company, when all they do is turn classics into shotty animation movies. Remember when "Treasure Planet" came out? At least that time Disney said, "Based on the book by Robert Lewis Stevenson." But just the same, I'm willing to bet that Robert Lewis Stevenson was spinning. I know I would have been.

Alright....I'm going back to work...

Current Mood: artistic
Current Music: Ella Fitzgerald, "I Love Paris"


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